Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

I haven't posted recently for a couple of reasons. One is I've been felled by general lurgy (also known as that deadly strain, Influenza Testostero). The other is that my time has been absorbed in rehearsals, meaning trips have been few and far between, despite the beautiful weather recently. I've written music and will be performing it for amateur dramatics group the Edinburgh Grads in their production of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. What? But there isn't music in Julius Caesar! Well, there is now. I am sure that if there were drums, keyboards, bass, electric guitar and four part harmonies in Shakey's time he'd had scripted them in.

Come and see the show, from Tuesday 26 November - Saturday 30 November, at Adam House, Chambers St, Edinburgh, at 19:30!


I am really enjoying the music in JC. Some great tunes.