My Top Ten Viewpoints: 1
My Top Ten Viewpoints: 10 - 8
My Top Ten Viewpoints: 7 - 5
My Top Ten Viewpoints: 4 - 2
And so we come to the top of the pops, the view of views. You've seen that I've few pictures from the east coast or Moray, partly because I've investigated these areas less, and partly because I believe them to be less spectacular anyway (although the old fishing villages of East Fife and Buchan are highly picturesque). Nor are there riverside or forest views: these often provide a feeling of great balance and contentment, but there is something about the wilder, wider views I've majored on that gave me a real buzz on seeing them for the first time. I've concentrated on the west coast, without apology. And number one follows in that vein.
1: Meall an Fheadain
click on pic to enlarge
Where? You ask. It is a low hill between Achiltibuie and Altandhu, with a transmitter track running most of the way to the top, and I only climbed it by chance because it is a Marilyn I hadn't bagged, and after a longer walk in the area I had an hour to spare before sunset. It's completely obscure, and yet has the best panoramic view I've seen in Scotland: An Teallach, Torridon and the Summer Isles south; Lewis west; the straggle of houses of Achiltibuie east with Beinn Dearg behind, and to the northeast, the whole Assynt-Coigach foreland, each individual peak visible. Go just before sunset, take a blanket and camera and a hipflask, and enjoy sunset from this perch. It's not somewhere a standard photograph does justice to, as the view is not framed by trees or slopes. It bleeds out the side of your peripheral vision and you'll turn and turn like a weathercock taking it all in.
Well, it's been fun showing you my top favourite viewpoints. As I've done this I've realised I should have done a top 20, loads have been missed out. Another time...
My Top Ten Viewpoints: 7 - 5
My Top Ten Viewpoints: 4 - 2
And so we come to the top of the pops, the view of views. You've seen that I've few pictures from the east coast or Moray, partly because I've investigated these areas less, and partly because I believe them to be less spectacular anyway (although the old fishing villages of East Fife and Buchan are highly picturesque). Nor are there riverside or forest views: these often provide a feeling of great balance and contentment, but there is something about the wilder, wider views I've majored on that gave me a real buzz on seeing them for the first time. I've concentrated on the west coast, without apology. And number one follows in that vein.
1: Meall an Fheadain
click on pic to enlarge
Where? You ask. It is a low hill between Achiltibuie and Altandhu, with a transmitter track running most of the way to the top, and I only climbed it by chance because it is a Marilyn I hadn't bagged, and after a longer walk in the area I had an hour to spare before sunset. It's completely obscure, and yet has the best panoramic view I've seen in Scotland: An Teallach, Torridon and the Summer Isles south; Lewis west; the straggle of houses of Achiltibuie east with Beinn Dearg behind, and to the northeast, the whole Assynt-Coigach foreland, each individual peak visible. Go just before sunset, take a blanket and camera and a hipflask, and enjoy sunset from this perch. It's not somewhere a standard photograph does justice to, as the view is not framed by trees or slopes. It bleeds out the side of your peripheral vision and you'll turn and turn like a weathercock taking it all in.
Well, it's been fun showing you my top favourite viewpoints. As I've done this I've realised I should have done a top 20, loads have been missed out. Another time...
Word Verification text is "feationa" - a Gaelic word if ever I saw one ;-)
Not enough redundant letters to be Gaelic!
>>Always meant to go back for a repeat visit to actally see the view.
At least it isn't much of an ascent! An Cuaidh across Loch Broom is an amazing viewpoint too if you are Marilyn bagging in that area, but I prefer Meall an Fheadain.
Zilch view there either.I must be cursed..!