The Light and the Land

A rainy day in the Black Mount.

Yet between sweeping showers, moments of beauty can be found.

Wet feet at a high lochan, tin-tacked with rain.

We take to the cloud-swallowed hills.

We get back wet and tired. This has not been a classically good day. Yet who could say we had not been priviledged?


zinnia306 said…
A wee lovely poem. I may steal 'tin tacked' some day. And gorgeous photos as always. Rain saturates the colors - sun glares them out. We need both, in equal measures, in my book. If I just had one monroe, I'd be happy....just one.
Robert Craig said…
Zinnia, please do steal it! It is only what I have done! It comes from the poem 'Basking Shark' by Norman McCaig:
zinnia306 said…
ha ha! So theft of poetry is allowed? It was italicized so I was thinking possibly from someone else. And I will do so as well. Thanks for including the source. I also love 'rise with a slounge'. A bonny vivid poem for sure! yikes.
Easy to use IoT said…
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